Alkaline Water: Benefits

To keep up with your well-being, you might need to adjust the pH level inside your body. Along these lines, numerous specialists suggest that you hydrate. Dissimilar to plain water, soluble water doesn’t contain dynamic corrosive components. Then again, your regular water is acidic and can cause a wide scope of medical issues. Along these […]

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Drinking water generator by solar power

An atmospheric water generator (AWG) is a device that extracts water from humid ambient air. Water vapor in the air can be extracted by condensation – cooling the air below its dew point, exposing the air to desiccants, or pressurizing the air. Unlike a dehumidifier, an AWG is designed to render the water potable. AWGs […]

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Heaven’s Gate China

Tianmen Shan (Heaven’s Gate Mountain) is a cave natural arch eroded through a karst syncline. It is located about 8 km south of the city of Zhangjiajie (formerly Dayong) in northern Hunan Province, China. It is accessed from Zhangjiajie by what may be the world’s longest skytram (7.5 km) that leads to a bus ride […]

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Top ten places in Patna you mustn’t miss

Patna is the capital of The state of Bihar where one finds an unique blend of traditional and modern values. Patna is the Gateway to the land of Spirituality, Vibrance & Versatility. There’s a lot of things to do and see in Patna.However these top tens one mustn’t miss.

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